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June Gloom Release Build

Тема в разделе "Официальные новости Sponge", создана пользователем RuBukBot, 13 июн 2018.

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    RuBukBot Робот RuBukkit Модератор

    June Gloom Release Build
    @gabizou wrote:

    Another day of June gloom and another Recommended Build announcement for SpongeForge and SpongeVanilla.

    Since our last recommended build announcement, we’ve made quite a few bug fixes, changes, restructuring, and overall quality improvements to our implementation.

    A few of the big issues resolved in the last hundred or so builds:

    • No longer tick entities/TE’s if chunk is marked for unload
    • TileEntity and Entity activation checks are improved if not fixed
    • Performance regression fixed with Player tracking
    • Custom Item drops from mods performing customized item control is fixed
    • Advancement fixes
    • Fixed a few teleportation bugs between dimensions
    • TileEntities spawning entities during invalidation (chunk unloading) will still go through instead of being ignored by sponge
    • Ignore bounding box checks for boss monsters to avoid removing entities, fixes an issue with TwilightForest’s Hydra being removed from the game on spawn due to this check
    • Added a bunch of world sanity checks for a lot of validation steps in collisions, activation, spawning, etc. to resolve crashes with various mods
    • Delayed configuration file saves to avoid file issues on Windows
    • Fixed a memory leak in Enchantment helper that could arise if a player object is retained with a world that is no longer loaded (MC-128547
    • Offline User improvements for supporting data
    • Fix Leather Armor showing data when there is none
    • Introduced testmods for SpongeForge development environment
    • Various inventory fixes for plugins
    • Context corrections for Liquids flowing
    • Multiworld difficulties now work
    • Fix an issue where tile entities would not be able to recurse into themselves, command blocks that were set to repeat based on old Redstone mechanics now fixed

    And that’s just in the last month…

    There’s countless issues fixed on a regular basis, but with all of the more recent issues fixed that have taken some of us a while to rewrite, troubleshoot, and resolve, we (@Zidane @blood and I) feel it is time to make this a recommendation of a good stable build.

    You will find SpongeForge 3169 on

    And you can always find SpongeVanilla 59 on

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